About Alison

A feisty mother earth type, who has an opinion about everything I would like to think I use my "chopsy" attitude to throw some light and perhaps a new slant on current social and cultural issues.

Since I moved to the country for a quiet life I have been lucky enough to create a more healthy more relaxed environment for myself. I love country life, Family, Friends, Horses and Dogs. I also love, photography, writing/chatting and connecting with others.

Please have a look at a collection of my photos blog,


or join in on my chats here or on my otherblog


which follows my efforts to learn to ride and care for horses in my 50s! or just follow me on Twitter and I will follow you back (if you are a real person) on @alisonbarton1. Enjoy and talk to me.

Saturday 17 September 2011

Come on Take the load off, but if you get the chance...........

I must have had an excess of tea today but there’s always room for one more!
So I have a sip and sit back in my comfy chair and reflect on my walk in the woods this morning. It was sunny, bright and dry, the breeze was moving through the tops of the trees making that mesmerising whooshing sound, which reminds me of the sea, ahh! lovely.

The ideal surroundings for reflection and contemplation but somehow I got into a heated discussion with my dearly beloved, about the extension and how the builders were doing, so far .The builders are fine, it’s our communication (me and his) which was off kilter.

It’s of no consequence what he said, or what I thought he said, but it was rather how we both reacted to being misunderstood which is significant. This was between two people who “love” each other and know each other well. We argued about, what he said, I said and what it means not to really listen, whilst under the canopy of the glorious Forest. I’m sad to say for that time oblivious to our uplifting surroundings. Now I have to give credit to my beloved here for calling time and drawing it to an end not before time. Reminding me it was of no consequence and that getting annoyed with each other was really no good and we hugged underneath the trees. I did take some convincing though, but yes he was right, if only I had got in first and been magnanimous I would have been the good guy. It’s hard to be found to be doing the wrong thing. Instead of immediately changing track, I know I want to dig in, making things worse. Capitulating is hard, it makes me feel vulnerable. How about you?

So this morning’s reflection took place back here at home over yet another cuppa. Even in a wonderful place, you can loose sight of the good things in your life and get caught up with negative nonsense. Letting silly matters hurt and disturb us. If people who love and care for each other can let this happen how much harder we must all work to be conscious of not letting ourselves hurt and be hurt by strangers. I really have to remember when you are going down the wrong road which is getting increasingly bumpy and uncomfortable, stop turn round and get back on track, ok you have to go back over a few bumps initially but eventually the right road will smooth out under your wheels. Finally if you want someone else to do the turning round, remember how uncomfortable it is and try and make it as easy as possible.

Nature has a way of reminding us how insignificant we all are , the swathes of Forest the towering mountains and of course the vastness of the sea. As the song goes "I hope you still feel small when you stand beside the ocean".Its s important to feel small and not to let even smaller things floor us. So by all means take the load off when you need a rest but," if you get the chance to sit it out or dance I hope you dance." I hope you’ll dance". written by Lee Ann Womack,  Click on the link have a listen and enjoy the sentiment. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RV-Z1YwaOiw&feature=related

Love Alison x

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Alison xx